Monday, February 21, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake...

Again this year we are reminded of the devastation that nature can deal out. This time around it is Christchurch, again, a beautiful city that I hold very dear in my heart. Gorgeous architecture, lovely people, unbelievably beautiful botanical gardens and great cuisine. I may have only spent 2 weeks of my life in Christchurch, but I still adore the city and the surrounding countryside. You struck a chord deep inside of me. A chord that still sees me perusing real estate in and around one of my favourite cities in the world, and no doubt will continue to do so.

My heart goes out to New Zealanders and Christchurchians at this time. For lives lost, for those still not knowing at this point in time whether they have lost loved ones. For architecture damaged and for buildings gone. In my little part of the world we are thinking of you. I know words and thoughts are of little consolation in this dark and scary time. You will persevere, you will rebuild, you will recover. Your Kiwi resolve and strength of character will see you through this.

Stay strong.


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