Friday, January 28, 2011

Our Straw Bale House

HandyHubby and I are in the homestretch of building our own straw bale house. Being owner builders has given us the opportunity to build a house that is reflective of us. Everywhere you look there is something either eBay-ed, demolition yarded, or donated by friends whether that be a light fitting or a days labour in return for meal and a couple of beers at the end of the day. Even now, when friends come over they will look at a wall and say, I helped render that wall, and will step back and admire their handiwork. Alot of friendship has gone into building this house!

From the stumps to the roof, HandyHubby and I have built as much of this place as we are allowed. Of course, we enlisted a plumber and an electrician. It has taken a long time, but it has cost us a fraction of what a professional builder would have. This really is our home and we love it. I am not the technical writer that HandyHubby is, but I will endeavour to write many posts concerning our house within this blog, so bear me with straw bale enthusiasts! Ideally we would have posted information and photos DURING the build, but that requires planning and thought, and with the duration of the build thus far, many readers would have died of boredom....or old age!!


  1. How wonderful. I look forward to reading more.

  2. Please post more photos. I have dreamed of building my own home. Straw bale building really appeals to me.
